Otovent Prescription Status – Update


UPDATE (1st August 2019) – Otovent is now available to prescribe

From Wednesday 1st May 2019 Otovent will be removed from prescription by the Prescription Pricing Authority due to the device’s price increasing. There has been no change to the device; in fact, December 2018 saw NICE state that ‘there appears to be evidence to support the use of autoinflation which suggests that the recommendation for its use could be strengthened to ‘offer autoinflation’.’ You can read the full report here [https://www.otovent.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2018-NICE-Under-12s.pdf] Otovent continues to be available over the counter with an RRP of £11.99. The PIP code for ordering the product is 010-2889. Pharmacists can order Otovent through their normal wholesaler network.

Otovent is an autoinflation device manufactured in Sweden by Abigo and distributed in the UK by Kestrel Medical. It is the only clinically proven drug-free and non-surgical treatment for glue ear, a condition which affects 80% of children at least once before their tenth birthday. There is now a range of Otovent products comprised of Otovent Adult, a device for the treatment of eustachian tube dysfunction and glue ear in adults; Otovent Dive, which assists learner scuba divers with mastering the essential equalisation technique and Otovent Fly for equalising middle ear pressure during flights.

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